Dream it
Dream it 〰️
AS: Get your brand out on campus and help fight food insecurity! Unfortunately, students are generally apathetic towards or don't even know what Associated Students is or does :(
Bridge the recognition gap by providing your student body with Discount Cards featuring your logo on front, reminding them each time they use their card how much AS cares about making their lives easier and more affordable! Use it as a fundraiser or give them out as a perk for paying their activity fee. Either way, AS and your students WIN!
College Discount Cards does all the work: Negotiating 40 Amazing Deals (many BOGO’S), designing the card featuring your AS logo on front, printing and delivering not just the discount cards but an 8 foot portable banner & flyers to promote your launch!
Don’t take it from us. Here’s what other Cali CC AS are saying:
“At Barstow, we’ve sold thousands more ASG Stickers over the past 4 years because we include Discount Cards with the $15/semester fee” - Joann Garcia, ASG Advisor”
“At Victor Valley, we’ve given away 10,000 cards/yr since 2016 to help fight food insecurity, which is a big issue facing our students. It’s paid for by their activity fees” - Gabriel Kelvin, ASB President”
*Watch video to see what Cali CC AS Presidents, Trustees, Advisors, and Students are saying!
Contact Us Today by filling out this form and/or calling Bruce at 480-226-7931!
18 secs of awesomeness. MVC students loved their ASMVC Discount Card so much, they couldn’t contain themselves!