
New Customers. No Cost. 3 Easy Steps:

  • Fill out the Participation Form below by Friday, Jan 20!

  • We’ll e-mail you a Proof of your ad!

  • Distribution begins Feb 14th! Valid thru 2-14-21

    *1,000 MVC Students will receive a FREE Discount Card, courtesy of Student Government (ASMVC)

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*College Discount Cards is the third party company hired by MVC to produce their Discount Card. Above is a mock-up with actual businesses and discounts from our Victor Valley Discount Card. Zoom in and check out the savings offers.

As you can see - BOGO’s differentiate your business and are the way to go if dining is your category! Denny’s, Del Taco, Carl’s Jr., IHOP, Arby’s, Krispy Kreme, and Popeye’s, and Pizza Guys all did BOGO in Victorville! If all you can offer is 10%, we’ll fit you on the card if there is enough room at the end- but in many cases that won’t even cover the students’ gas to get to your biz!

Participate Today!

*Below pic is the Executive Board for MVC Student Government. They want to thank you for your being part of this local Moreno Valley community program to benefit MVC Students AND your business!

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